Monday 5 January 2009

world of S P I N !

Whenever I walk into the Harrow Learning resources centre , and walk to the shelves numbered 659.13 to 699 , I find myself looking at various books in different thickness and colours . Most of which would me leave me in an encounter with the word 'S P I N' on the cover page.In a few other cases it would be 'sleaze' or 'sludge'. 

Sultans of Sleaze , Inside Spin , The Father of Spin , A century of Spin , talespin ....All these titles make me feel that I am working for a bad industry ! With all due respect to the authors who I am confident know a lot more than what I know of the industry , I feel the usage of positive titles and a more credible word than 'spin' on the cover page would develop positivity about reading the book and its contents. 

If the authors and writers only self acclaim themselves as spin doctors what is the audience left with to decide. 

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